Catherine Kells

Family Alchemy Guide and Ancestral Healer

I had so many plans growing up, about how I wanted to live my life, what I wanted to do, who I wanted to be…. But then life happened and I got off track.

One of the biggest things I knew in my heart that I wanted to be was a great mom. So that’s what I strived for-I gave and gave until I gave so much of myself away and worked so hard for everyone else that there was nothing left of me. That was me 10 years ago. Lost, divorced and in way over my head. I was working more than full time on my business and trying to raise my really complex family. Everything was an uphill battle. I had a bunch of kids with special needs, even more so than I realized at the time and they really struggled with behavioral issues and trauma from the situation we moved away from. Things just kept building up. I tried fixing everything, with lifestyle changes, diet changes, all kinds of therapy for everyone, I read all the self help and parenting books, I tried it all and nothing stuck. I was drowning.

I just couldn’t keep it up. That’s when I met this incredibly intuitive shamanic healer. She showed me where my boundaries were non-existent, how I wasn’t responsible for everything that happened. She got me to see the bigger picture-and I started to re-evaluate everything in my life. I stopped working for everyone else and starting shifting my focus to what I wanted in life. I started focusing on my dreams and where I wanted to really serve people. That’s when everything started falling into place for me.

I got really clear about who I was, I rediscovered what was important to me and let all the rest go. It was so freeing! It completely transformed my life into one that I actually enjoy. I love what I do, and I love helping others to release all that doesn’t empower them. This all lead me on this quantum healing path that facilitates the deepest and most lasting changes in your life. Through belief work, timeline healing, quantum energy work and past life awareness, I can help you to release what’s holding you back from really embodying the highest version of you.

Why Me?

I have over 20 years of experience in holistic parenting, with an emphasis on working with nature and the earth to heal and release stored beliefs and karma. I specialize in assisting complex family dynamics and children with special needs. I have a strong ability to hold space, offering a safe place to be truly heard and understood, and facilitate lasting, deep healing of old wounds and clearing ancestral trauma. I have assisted countless clients in rediscovering their dreams and desires, reorienting them on their path to deep and real fulfillment in their relationships with their family.  I also offer reusable and eco-friendly products that support a more natural and reusable lifestyle at I can be reached at